Garuda/Eagle in starpack
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Eagle: Secure Software Automation
Finally, the wrapped script could create an instance of GRPCRemoteClient.

These were necessary.

+ AssemblyResolve delegate.
+ Return null when an exception is thrown in AssemblyResolve delegate.
+ Fully qualified assembly name to instantiate GRPCRemoteClient.

These were not necessary.

+ Removing ".x86" from native assembly file name.
+ addToPath $dll_dir
+ Explicitly loading the following dependent assemblies.
  + Grpc.Core.dll
  + System.Memory.dll
  + System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe.dll

Really, thank you very much!
I can proceed to integrate this code to my real application.

### Rewrite of assemblyResolve
proc assemblyResolve { sender e } {
	global dll_dir
	if {[catch {
		set eName [$e Name]
		if {![regexp {^([^,]+),.+$} $eName -> name]} {
			set name $eName
		log "name = $name"
		set dll_path [file join $dll_dir $name.dll]
		log "dll_path=$dll_path"
		if {[file exists $dll_path]} {
			set type [load_type $dll_path]
			log "type=$type"
		} else {
			return AssemblyNotFound
	} err]} {
		log $err
		return null
	} else {
		return $type