Garuda/Eagle in starpack
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Eagle: Secure Software Automation
Regarding the UnityEngine problem that I mentioned in the last message, it will be solved by returning a null object from the AssemblyResolve delegate. Is it possible in Eagle?

Grpc.Core.dll (disassembled code in C#)

    static PlatformApis()
      PlatformID platform = Environment.OSVersion.Platform;
      PlatformApis.isMacOSX = platform == PlatformID.Unix && PlatformApis.GetUname() == "Darwin";
      PlatformApis.isLinux = platform == PlatformID.Unix && !PlatformApis.isMacOSX;
      PlatformApis.isWindows = platform == PlatformID.Win32NT || platform == PlatformID.Win32S || platform == PlatformID.Win32Windows;
      PlatformApis.isNetCore = false;
      PlatformApis.isMono = Type.GetType("Mono.Runtime") != (Type) null;
      Type type = Type.GetType("UnityEngine.Application, UnityEngine");
      if (type != (Type) null)
        PlatformApis.isUnity = true;
        PlatformApis.isUnityIOS = type.GetTypeInfo().GetProperty("platform")?.GetValue((object) null)?.ToString() == "IPhonePlayer";
        PlatformApis.isUnity = false;
        PlatformApis.isUnityIOS = false;
      PlatformApis.isXamarinIOS = Type.GetType("Foundation.NSObject, Xamarin.iOS") != (Type) null;
      PlatformApis.isXamarinAndroid = Type.GetType("Java.Lang.Object, Mono.Android") != (Type) null;
      PlatformApis.isXamarin = PlatformApis.isXamarinIOS || PlatformApis.isXamarinAndroid;