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Eagle: Secure Software Automation

The "alerts" command:

Usage: fossil alerts SUBCOMMAND ARGS...


Show all pending alerts. Useful for debugging.

Hard reset of all email notification tables in the repository. This erases all subscription information. ** Use with extreme care **

Compose and send pending email alerts. Some installations may want to do this via a cron-job to make sure alerts are sent in a timely manner. Options:

Send digests
Write to standard output

settings [NAME VALUE]
With no arguments, list all email settings. Or change the value of a single email setting.

Report on the status of the email alert subsystem

subscribers [PATTERN]
List all subscribers matching PATTERN.

test-message TO [OPTS]
Send a single email message using whatever email sending mechanism is currently configured. Use this for testing the email notification configuration. Options:

--subject|-S SUBJECT

unsubscribe EMAIL
Remove a single subscriber with the given EMAIL.