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The "pikchr" command:

Usage: fossil pikchr [options] ?INFILE? ?OUTFILE?

Accepts a pikchr script as input and outputs the rendered script as an SVG graphic. The INFILE and OUTFILE options default to stdin resp. stdout, and the names "-" can be used as aliases for those streams.


On success, adds a DIV wrapper around the resulting SVG output which limits its max-width to its computed maximum ideal size.

Like -div but indents the div.

Like -div but centers the div.

Like -div but floats the div left.

Like -div but floats the div right.

Sets the 'toggle' CSS class on the div (used by the JavaScript-side post-processor).

Sets the 'source' CSS class on the div, which tells CSS to hide the SVG and reveal the source by default.

Stores the input pikchr's source code in the output as a separate element adjacent to the SVG one. Implied by -div-source.

Process the input using TH1 before passing it to pikchr.

Disable $var and $<var> TH1 processing. Use this if the pikchr script uses '$' for its own purposes and that causes issues. This only affects parsing of '$' outside of TH1 script blocks. Code in such blocks is unaffected.

When using -th, output the post-TH1'd script instead of the pikchr-rendered output.

Trace TH1 execution (for debugging purposes).

The -div-indent/center/left/right flags may not be combined.

TH1-related Notes and Caveats:

If the -th flag is used, this command must open a fossil database for certain functionality to work (via a checkout or the -R REPO flag). If opening a db fails, execution will continue but any TH1 commands which require a db will trigger a fatal error.

In Fossil skins, TH1 variables in the form $varName are expanded as-is and those in the form $<varName> are htmlized in the resulting output. This processor disables the htmlizing step, so $x and $<x> are equivalent unless the TH1-processed pikchr script invokes the TH1 command [enable_htmlify 1] to enable it. Normally that option will interfere with pikchr output, however, e.g. by HTML-encoding double-quotes.

Many of the fossil-installed TH1 functions simply do not make any sense for pikchr scripts.